Kitna deti hai?


Firstly, thanks to all those who dared reading my first post, which has inspired me further to post another one! And special thanks to those who went beyond that, and liked/commented on the post.

So, here goes my second post, It’s more like an extension to my first one, wherein I had tried figuring out why students take up engineering (some are pushed into it!). But I’ll like to keep this as an open topic, and more relevant to everyone.

I’m sure everyone must have heard this phrase: “Kitna deti hai?” I’m not just referring to the successful ad-campaign by a leading car-maker (the possibility of the person behind the ad being a person who is fed up of the constant use of this phrase is very high), but yes, this is a very general phrase with potential applications almost everywhere. If we start paying close attention, this might even start seeming ubiquitous to us. From people asking the government about the GDP to people asking milkers about their cows’ milk delivery efficiency; from people asking battery life of their devices to students wanting to know the first thing about a company recruiting them: “Kitna deti hai?” 

Now, the last part is what we need to think about (but, sometimes it’s the battery that affects me  a bit more, but, err…anyway!). This phrase, I’m sure, must be omnipresent in colleges as soon as the placement season begins. Now, there’s certainly nothing wrong in wanting to know about the CTC’s that different companies are offering, The problem is that people look at it as the only criteria to measure one’s successful stint as a student. The problem that we look at money as the only yardstick to measure success is very, very wrong, and we shouldn’t blame someone in particular for this, but this thought process has very deep roots inside our society, which we all are a part of.

Now, this is what happens generally: Whenever parents send their kids to a particular college, the major factor while choosing one is “ROI”- Return on Investment. The kids are expected to come out with a fat pay cheque, if they want to be labelled as a “Bright student!”. This is applicable not just to graduates, but to people pursuing higher studies as well. 

The purpose of education is somewhere lost while this transformation ‘From curious souls wandering their across the fields of imagination are made to think of themselves as money minting machines’ takes place. Institutions are places where we expect students to learn, imagine, understand and explore. They should be places which should serve as an incubation center for curious minds to grow, but sadly there aren’t.


As the picture suggests: We have very little value for what curiosity can do to mankind, but we are rather interested on it’s ROI! Sorry, NASA, Pun intended!

Only when we understand that the true meaning of ‘graduating’ is a shift in the level of learning and curiosity is; and not the shift in his bank balance, will we truly care about the real-education. If and when we are able to create such an environment, will we have our share of Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerburg, Elon Musk and a thousand others in the silicon valley and similar places which help people think beyond the ordinary and make a difference. We need more students to be entrepreneurs- not because they couldn’t do anything else, not because they have a lesser CGPA, not because they are filthy rich; but, because it is important to look beyond what conventional wisdom teaches us. We also need researchers who’ll unravel the different mysteries for us, we also need a lot of thinkers- who can help in policy formation and bring about change; and lastly we need a lot of students wanting to, as Mahatma Gandhi put it: “Be the change you want to see in this world.” 

P.S. What I’ve tried to say is quoted very beautifully by Mark Twain: “I’ve never allowed college to interfere with my education”

2 thoughts on “Kitna deti hai?

  1. Just wht indian students and more importantly parents…and all those “caring” uncle aunties need to understand!packages dnt define a students’ success. Humorous yet right to th point write up.our generation needs more sane voices like urs.keep it bro 🙂

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