Why so curious?

“Where’s the party tonight? B-wood shows up at XYZ celebrity’s brother’s daughter’s uncle-in-law’s neighbour’s dog’s marriage.” “We bring to you India’s 1678th kid to fall in a bore well”. “Do stay tuned while we bring to you our exclusive interview with a flood victim who lost his family in the floods”. “ABC was spotted stepping out of a urinal while talking to someone at a desk there!! What could he be possibly doing there? Is he dating someone there? Is there more to it? Are his bowel movements fine?”.
These days we have started getting more attention to stuff like these over KRK’s movies, and that really is scary.

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Photo courtesy: Google

I believe everything around us is a result of some curiosity. Or else what could explain the guy who first discovered that cows give milk? Or the fact that a lot of people rely on astrology to know about their future? Or the first thing that most of us want to do after coming home from is the number of likes our latest dp has gotten. Or even putting some of them in ‘the close friends list’ and tracking every move of theirs, and then blaming the government on snooping on us!

Like I mentioned in my last post (https://dharmarajsolanki.wordpress.com/2013/07/05/get-set-click/) we create moments, rather than letting moments create us. Similarly, our curiosity leads us to know what’s happening in everyone’s life, be it the celebs or the ones who we want to stalk. Also this curiosity leads to phenomenons such as Fear-of-Missing-Out (FOMO) and social acceptance, which leads us to doing activities we otherwise wouldn’t have, but we do it so that we feel a part of the herd like updating social networking websites with ‘now trending’ topics to feel that we’re abreast and a part of the action.

There’s nothing wrong with staying curious after all it is the cause of so many wonderful creations around us. Almost all technologies that make our lives easy is the result of someone feeding their curiosity. But like all good things, this has a flip side to it too, like a lot of wrong activities will find their roots in a curios mind gone wrong. Also a lot of things go wrong in the process of feeding this curiosity. Like a good conversation is spoiled by the other person looking into his phone all the time, or while you desperately try to get data connection on your phone while missing out on the beautiful things around you.

Courtesy: Google

Anyway, let’s just look at all things that are positive, or at least we feel are positive. The whole point is anything and everything in excess in dangerous. So, let’s be curious but not feed our minds with thoughts like why has a particular cricketer resorted to a new hairstyle for a particular series, or how much is some blah blahs net worth! Another phenomenon that is picking up trend is the army staying updated on the go, they are to be seen everywhere, doing what they do best: dip themselves in their phones, even though that might lead to them getting run over by a bus, train or even fellow mates from the same community.

Let us all just check-in. Courtesy: Facebook

We should rather use this amazing trait to know about things that actually affect us and the world around us, and strive to be a better person than we were yesterday. For change we could just avoid the constant notification lights on our mobile phones, we could do away with push mails, we could shut Instant Messaging apps for a while, we can afford to miss out on some juicy news, not check-in for a change and let curiosity make the most of the beautiful experience called life.

Get. Set. Click.

Hey! Weekends are here! Long time! Let’s catch up with our cameras and click some pictures, ya! Catching up more or less has become a way of getting pictures clicked with people after checking in with the very same people on various websites and then updating “Had a really nice time statuses”.

We are definitely the most creative generation and that is evident by the fact that we use washroom mirrors as a potential photo tool! Who would have thought people would want to pose and smile at the camera while trying not get suffocated with the ammonia vapours around? Oh wait we aren’t talking about the Sulabh Shouchalayas (Public toilets), they are graphically enhanced with all betel nut eaters trying to pout at the mirror, but end up decorating the objects of beautification.

Source: MySpace

We have so many websites who run solely on people sharing photos, with more hashtags and words than our PM speaks for his entire tenure. Then there are XYZ-I-Own-A-DSLR-photography pages, while some of them are really good, but many of them are as talented as Poonam Pandey.

Also I’m sure HR professionals corroborate that most commonly found hobby/interest is Photography. No wonder we have mobile phones with a minimum of 5 megapixels and with that welcome you’re an amateur, but soon to be ace photographer.

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Source: Google

I really admire the ones who really have a flair for photography and are very good at it, because it takes some real skill to capture the right moments, and I’m sure a lot of photogs would agree that you don’t need a powerful camera lens to do so, but it’s about how your eye lens identify the perfect occasion and click wonderful pictures rather than artificially creating moments for some soon-to-be-display/cover photo.

This is the main problem with us: We’re looking for creating moments to be captured; rather than just letting moments happen, let them be with us in our minds forever and if luck be, store it on a camera. There’s nothing wrong with trying your hand at it, but let’s not do it for the sake of a few likes, let’s just let life happen, and click a few pictures for our own selves along the way.

P.S: No offence with budding photographers, few of them I know are really really good at what they do, but it’s a general take on what is happening around us.

Thanks for reading! Let there be more photos! 😉