The curious case of :) :( :D :P :$ and the likes.

This is the age of emoticons. Those small yellow coloured creatures abused on every possible media platform. They smile :), if you want them to; They frown :(, if you want them to; they Asaram :*, if he wants them to; or nothing like the trademark Manmohan :|.


(Image: Wikipedia)

Imagine a conversation between a few distinguished people:

Manmohan Singh: 😐

Arnab: Sir, India wants an answer.

MM: 😐

Arnab: Sirrrrrr!!! :@

MM: 😐

Sonia: ❀ πŸ˜€ Β :*

Rahul: Arnab, πŸ˜› πŸ˜›

Pranab Mukherjee, Chidambaram, Antony etc: (Y) Superlikes!!

I have nothing against emoticons. In fact, I love them! It makes ending conversations easier, and also if you have nothing to say, choose any emoticon or simply type a :), and you’re done.

What annoys me is the emoticon overkill. Does over-using them make you an eligible replacement for Govinda? Does adding a :* (multiplied by the number of awwwwws in the picture) make you feel Emran Hashmi-ish? Β Does updating a status on any platform with emoticons actually help you convey that feeling for you? I feel all it does is makes you feel that you’re following the generally accepted convention of using them even if it’s not needed. At all.

Technology is good, it always is. But it’s over-use that is harmful.

When was the last time you laughed out as loud as you pretend to through these characters? When was the last time you actually stuck out a tongue at someone, playfully? When was the last time you laughed so hard with a friend that you actually had tears in your eyes?Β 

Human face is the most beautiful sketchbook ever. So, please don’t refrain from displaying the emotions that you actually feel.Β 

I’ve seen so many people type so many emoticons on their devices without registering even a small difference on their faces.

Now that all of us have soooo many of :)) with us, let’s give a few to a kind strangers who might have helped you in any way because otherwise if you do so you’re inviting someone to rape you; to a stray animal; to an elderly person whom many of us take for granted and lastly to all small babies, because they smile back and that’s the most beautiful thing, isn’t it? πŸ™‚

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