Love is in the air*

* Starting Rs. 99.

I know the question that comes to mind is: When did love get so cheap? Or rather so easy to get? Or the point that when did we start attaching specific names to days?

Have we all forgotten the pressure under which Carbon was put on a Valentine’s day to please his spouse to turn into a diamond! But no, diamonds are priceless, they’re forever. ~ De Beers. ( Brilliant article on the diamond marketing industry:

The tremendous potential of 1 day making the other 364 feel like present-ly challenged is amazing. It truly is gifted!

Also, the florists feel like they have a profession too and then they hibernate for the rest of the year- growing flowers (hopefully).

Like the rest of the days celebrated with a name attached to it and over that you’re expected to remember them. Yeah, right, as if Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Sunday, Saturday etc (arranged in no particular order) weren’t enough.



Love is in the air, literally. Picture courtesy:

Or even as extremists celebrate by playing truth, dare and stare.

The question persists: Do we need such days to remind us of spreading love, being nice, bringing smiles, calling that long-lost friend and of course eating chocolate? Of course not.

These days are nothing more than a marketing gimmick which we all fall prey to.

So, let’s not wait for a 14th February to tell someone that you love them or a 26th January to feel proud to be an Indian.

Carpe diem! Seize the day rather than wait for the day to seize you (under the disguise of a name attached to it).


Indian School of Bijiness

Well, well, well! The long-impending post about my experience at one of the finest business schools in the world is here. *self slow claps*

My blog posts gather the same amount of attention as Cristiano Ronaldo winning the Ballon d’Or. I’m not very fond of competition though, especially when it gets Messi, But it’s okay- one for Ronaldo (the Brazilian.)

So, yes I was at The Indian School of Business, Mohali with 24 others after having performed well at the I Lead India program by the Times of India (for more:, and so were sent for a course on Transformational leadership.

ISB Mohali
Indian School of Business, Mohali.

And the experience has been truly transformational, and I have gained a lot. From having a family pack, I progressed to having a buy 1-get-1-free. ~ My tummy.
The food there was truly amazing, and what’s surprising was it was available for less than 12 Rs- It was complementary, Raj Babbar, bitch please.

Dharmaraj Solanki
Le me at ISB, Mohali

Keeping aside my appetite for a while, it was a learning experience- in true sense of the words.
From having an exceptional teacher-mentor-life guru(, to having been surrounded by the best minds and of course, hearts of the country.

All the while I was wondering what makes such an institution what it is- Is it the breakfast? Yes. Is it the Lunch? Of course, yes. Or the dinner? Burp yeah!

But truthfully, the course seemed more like a platform where ideas, opinions and experiences were exchanged.
Having discussed audacious goals that everyone had in their minds for the country, to having decided on the mindsets that we as an individual need to change to be a better leader were what made the experience worth a lifetime of learning. These are a few among a lot of other ideas that were discussed.

Everyone also shared their experiences which they encountered while working towards- making their city a world-heritage city, conserving mangroves, setting up bus shelters, making their city safe and work towards restoration of a water body in town.

I’m sure the lessons learned there will be imbibed by each one of us in our lives and will help as be the change we want to see in this world in a more efficient manner.

Also, a special mention to the amazing hospitality at ISB, Mohali! Kudos to the entire department, the experience just couldn’t be better.

All in all, it was once in a lifetime opportunity for most of us to: learn, unlearn and transform. 🙂